Tired of Remote Work Rubbish?

Get an IN-PERSON Digital Marketer

Dear Friend,

Are you sick of barking orders into the void of the internet?

Zoom calls that leave you more confused than when you started?

And marketing materials that look like they were designed by a drunk monkey?

Can't keep up with trying to sync the Trello board to Slack while your email magically inserts new appointments into your Google Calendar?

I'm Bea Bautista with Bautista Brands marketing, and I'm here to tell you that there's a better way.

A local way.

I'll come to your office/restaurant/wherever, sit down with you, and create a rock-solid digital marketing plan that actually works.

No more remote headaches. No more guessing games.

Just results.

The First Steps To Success

Look, I'm not going to waste your time with fluff. You're a busy business owner.

You don't have time for some slick-talking marketer who's all talk and no action.

I'm offering in-person digital marketing consulting that gets results. Period.

We all know how landing pages and sales letters go.

Wanna get to the point?

The first step is to hit the button below and apply to work with me.

The Secret Sauce

What makes you different from the guys on Fiverr?

Because I'm local.

I'm not some faceless avatar on a screen.

I'm your neighbor.

And I'm invested in the success of your business.

Are You A Good Fit?

I'm not interested in working with clients who think marketing is magic. Or that success happens overnight.

You're gonna pay me what I'm worth because I'm gonna put in the work.

But first I'm gonna need something from you.

See, my style of marketing revolves around storytelling.

You need to have a good grasp on your personal story and brand story if this is gonna work.

We'll sit down and do an interview about these items.

If you want just another generic website with your face, logo, and brand colors on it, you're in the wrong place, bud.

Marketing is a machine, websites and ads are just a part of it.

Social media isn't marketing. It's the fuel for the machine.

If you're looking for a social media marketer to make memes and reels for your IG, I'm not it.

I don't research trending hashtags, I'm not brat or demure.
I use copywriting techniques rooted in direct-response advertising.
(That goes way back to when newspapers and magazines were big.)

And while I do have formal education in graphic design, I'm not going to make you a logo either because pretty pictures aren't what make you money.

Want me to build you a machine that does?
Hit the application button below.

This Is What You Get:

1. In-Depth Consultation: We sit down together to understand your business goals and challenges.

2. Customized Brand Story: I create a tailored campaign based on your unique needs.

3. Campaign Implementation "The Marketing Engine" Install: I build out your ads, landing page, email sequence, booking calendar, and payment portal. -- These are the parts of the marketing engine I wrote about previously.

4. All-In-One Marketing Software: As a Bautista Brands Client, you get lifetime access to, our all-in-one marketing software.

How It Works

We'll meet at least twice:

The first meeting will be so I can interview you and learn about your brand story so we can craft it into a kickass campaign.

The second meeting will be after I build everything, you can review the ads, landing page, email sequence, etc. to make sure it fits your expectations and so I can show you how the system works.

We can have more meetings to revise things as needed.

Your project should take no more than two weeks to complete.

The Investment

Now, this isn't some cheap gimmick. My services start at $4997.

But here's the thing: If you're serious about growing your business, that's an investment, not a cost.

$4997 Includes:

  • Three eye-catching advertisements

  • A high-converting landing page

  • A 4 email follow-up sequence

  • A 6 email warm-up sequence

  • A user-friendly booking calendar

  • A seamless payment portal

  • Meta Pixel installation to track analytics

  • Lifetime access to which includes an ads management platform that is easier to use than Meta Business Manager, a website and funnel builder, a powerful CRM, and more!

Ready to Dominate?

If you're tired of the same old, same old and you're ready to see real results, then let's talk.

Click the button below to apply to work with me.

About Bea

Hi, I'm Bea, a digital marketer and local entrepreneur just like you.

My journey is probably a bit different from what you might expect.

To be frank, it's been a pretty wild-ass rollercoaster.

When I found out I was going to be medically retired from the Navy in 2019, I started scrambling to figure out what I was going to do next.

I began attending a ton of networking events without anything to offer anyone, just soaking it all in.

Eventually, I noticed a common thread: No matter what kind of business anyone was running, they all needed advertising and marketing.

"But let's backtrack a little bit..."

October of 2019.

It was a turning point in my life. I saw it as an opportunity to finally chase a dream I've had since my sophomore year of high school (2006) - to attend Platt College San Diego and study graphic design.

In January 2020, my dream became a reality as I stepped into the doors of Platt College.

I was also accepted into the very first cohort of The REC Innovation Lab (Regional Entrepreneurship Center) at Miramar College where I'd taken business courses while I was active duty.

Life was good.

I didn't have to go out to sea, I got to cuddle my dog every night, I could be the Team Mom at softball...

Everything seemed to be falling into place, and I was convinced that 2020 was going to be MY YEAR.

The first three months were some of the happiest in my life.

Then the world shut down due to a global pandemic... on my birthday.

The sudden shift to online learning was challenging. My ADHD made it hard to focus on online classes.

I started working out of my closet but it didn't help.

I dropped out of school (the first of many times) and began homeschooling my daughter, who likely inherited my ADHD and struggled with her sudden shift to online classes as well.

Let's get real, though, who puts a second grader in a 5-hour Zoom meeting, anyhow?

During this time, I made several attempts to launch ecommerce stores to monetize my blog about military-to-civilian transitions, To Go Ashore.

I went down the typical internet entrepreneur rabbit hole:

"I could sell physical products!"

"No, digital!"

"No, coaching and consulting!"

"Maybe I'll write a book!"
"F*** it all, I'll wholesale real estate!"

It was in these endeavors that I truly realized the importance of marketing.

I started exploring affiliate marketing opportunities and, accidentally, fell headfirst into the captivating world of funnels.

Apparently I CAN learn online if I find the right hyperfixation.

The Shiny Object Syndrome was real. My quest for knowledge was relentless.

From there I'd gotten myself into whatever training and certifications I could get my hands on.

I'm a Certified Advertising GENEIUS, got a Google Professional Certificate in Digital Marketing, and got plenty of hands-on experience volunteering to help non-profits with their marketing campaigns.

I've invested literal thousands of dollars to learn everything I know today about digital marketing, and I'm ready to share it all with you in one straightforward package.

Interestingly enough, in my quest to gain experience I learned something very valuable about myself: I have a hard time with remote work.

I need to physically meet with people to know they're real and counting on me.

When I don't, I tend to drop the ball. It's been a hard lesson to learn.

I guess that's an ADHD thing or whatever.

At the same time, I realized the vast majority of digital marketers were the opposite:

They liked to work, ya know... digitally. Go figure.

So here I am, I guess, with the home-field advantage.

Ready to work with me?

So let's get right to the point:

If you've read this far, or at least skimmed this landing page, you've got a good feel for me, my writing style, and what I'm about.

That's my goal for you and your campaigns as well.

This ain't Pokémon, guys.

Marketing isn't trying to collect ALL the customers. It's about collecting the ones that are right for you.

I'm either your cup of tea or I'm not.

Wanna see if we vibe?

Fill out the application below and apply now!

Bautista Brands Marketing

Client Application



9528 Miramar Rd #1104, San Diego, CA 92126

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